
Trauma Clinic

Traumatic injuries are severe injuries that often occur suddenly and places the victim in a fatal state. These injuries can range from demobilizing sprain to fracture that can lead to disability or fatality if untreated. A traumatic injury may require a specialist such as a neurosurgeon or orthopaedic surgeon, depending on the body part affected.

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The causes of traumatic injuries vary significantly. It ranges from automobile accidents to fatal falls, violent attacks, penetrations (gunshot, stab, etc.). Such traumatic events can cause a sprain in the joint, a fracture, torn ligament, dislocated joint or spinal injury. Whichever may be the case, the Trauma Center of DOC Medical Center is well equipped to provide a wide array of diagnoses and treatment as required.

Depending on the type of injury, our specialist may order an imaging test, like an X-Ray or MRI Scan, before proceeding with the treatment. Care for traumatic injury may range from therapy for pain to surgery.

Trauma and Injury

Musculoskeletal Trauma Services

A traumatic injury may take its toll on the ligaments, tendons, and soft tissues that cover joints apart from the bones. These tissues attach the muscles to the bones and play a vital role in facilitating various types of muscle movements. The injury that affects the tendons and ligaments can range from inflammation, a partial fray, or complete tear. In extreme cases, the tendon detaches from the muscles completely.

Since the traumatic impact on the tendons the ligaments can be partial and worsens progressively, it is essential to go for medical examination, even if the pains are not severe. Continuous usage of a frayed tendon can deteriorate into a complete tear.

Our team of orthopedic consultants at DOC Medical Center carries out a wide range of physical examinations to diagnose the patient’s state. They will often recommend imaging tests such as X-Ray or MRI scans before recommending a treatment.

Depending on the severity of the traumatic event, treatment may range from physiotherapy to chiropractic therapy or surgery.

More often than not, the traumatic injury treatment spans several weeks and sometimes months. Severe cases may require emergency surgery. After the patient has recovered from the fatality, professional care is necessary to complete the healing process. In other cases, support is needed to regain mobility or the use of body parts. That is why the patient may need to keep periodical appointments with our medical practitioners during recovery.

During progressive trauma injury care, the patient may undergo physiotherapy, chiropractic therapy, and an exercise regimen. This service aims to help the patient recover safely and live a normal life again.


The non-fatal injuries are not life-threatening and do not pose an immediate disability threat.  However, this type of injury may immobilize the patient. Typical examples are minor dislocation, strain and sprains in the joints.

While the severity of such an injury may not be apparent initially, an X-Ray imaging or MRI scan would confirm if the patient needs intensive care. Confirmed cases of non-fatal injuries often require the administration of painkillers and support bandages to prevent aggravating the injury and rest. Our experienced orthopedic doctors may provide additional treatment to accelerate healing and recovery.

Fracture is a state where the bone is broken. When a bone is impacted with an overwhelming force, it gives way and breaks. This can be caused by a traumatic event like accidents or gunshot, fall, fatal attack or injury. The cause of the fracture goes a long way to determine the severity of the damage and the appropriate treatment approach. 

Fracture ranges from simple to complicated ones. The breakage can be vertical, horizontal, in a simple point or several places. A fracture renders the injured part of the body immobile or too painful to move. The patient may feel dizzy or pass out from the pain. Urgent medical attention is required in cases of fracture to prevent permanent disability and life-threatening infections.

An Image scan test, such as X-Ray and MRI scan, is often required to accurately determine the severity of a fractured bone. The treatment procedures and specialists required for treatment may vary depending on the broken part of the body.

Treatment for a fracture may require the simple application of POP or complicated procedures that required reconstruction. In any case, DOC Medical Center has a team of experienced doctors, surgeons and nurses who can provide the care necessary for treatment and complete recovery.